6 Interesting Facts About Rummy Cards you Didn’t Know
While playing India card rummy or authentic casino playing cards, the deck of cards never fails to wow us! Whether it could be a small game or complicated game deck of cards fixed it’s placement throughout the game. But have you ever come across a thought that how much do you really know about the history of playing cards, fun facts about a deck of cards, hidden secrets in playing cards, etc ? No worries! today here we explore the things you didn’t know about playing cards.
Here are 6 Facts About Playing Cards you would love to know.
1 Playing Cards design is made after real faces of history: The faces on personalized playing cards including King, Queen, and Jack might be appearing as random illustrations of historical figures but they are actually designed after real historical monarchs like Julius Caesar Charlemagne, Alexander the Great, King David and they represents King of Diamonds, King of Hearts, King of clubs, and King of Spades respectively.
2 Whom does the Queen of Heart represent: There is a misconception that the Queen of the heart represents the renowned ‘Elizabeth Queen I’ but the reality is that Queen cards are known to be other famous ancient female rulers called Judit a biblical, Pallas, Argine, and Rachel.
3 There is an expiration date for the casino card decks : You might have seen cards being thrown, shuffled, or bent every time by the players in Casino. This could surprise you to know that even card decks on the casino have expiration dates up to 12 hours but in case of busy nights they are being used till 1 hour before getting thrown.
4 Know about the most expensive card in the world: Yes! A 52 deck from the period of the 15th century in the Netherlands is known to be the rarest and most expensive card in the history of the world.
5 Interesting Facts about 4 Suit Cards: The 4 deck cards called heart, spade, clubs, and diamond are evolved by the coins that signify Swords, Cups(love), wealth, and sticks from ancients times.
6 Do You Know How Casino Cards are Made of: Casino Cards are mostly made with 100% plastic because they have a high capability to withstand the frequent handling of the cards when compared with the Paper cards. As we know it’s very hard to write on plastic so cheating by the players can be avoided.
So there you have it! Aren’t these hidden secrets of playing cards left you amazed!? Now we hope the above-given facts will surely make you look at the cards differently? Now you can share this knowledgeable information with your friends and family and Don’t forget to start playing Rummy card game on Lucky Rummy.
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